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Finding Happiness

Person mediating before sun, image for Finding Happiness page on InnerPeaceNow.com

Finding happiness that lasts seems to be a challenge for most people.  If only they knew where to look!  Finding happiness in the world of form can not exist without finding unhappiness in it.  Going within takes you beyond this duality.

If Some Thing Makes You Happy, It Has The Power To Make You Miserable

This is not being pessimistic.  It is true.  It does not mean that you can not be happy, but rather happiness comes form a different place.

Most of us seem to go through life completely dependent on what is happening around us for our own inner peace or happiness.  It is as if what goes on in our lives controls our inner state of mental or emotional wellbeing

There seems to be no other way for a while – the only way to feel good is to have what we want in our “exterior” world- relationships, possessions, status, things “going well”.  We are conditioned to believe that all these things have to make us happy, because most of the world knows know different.  We often demand that situations and circumstances fulfil us….

.…eventually you come to realise that this doesn’t work.  Situations change.  What makes you feel good therefore has complete power over you to make you feel bad.  Things that you desired and believed that once achieved or acquired you could then be at peace, fulfilled or happy, seem to lose their fulfilling quality after a while, or they get destroyed or go away leaving you feeling unhappy again.

“There must be another way,” many people seem to ask.  “Is life really meant to be like this? Always looking to the future for happiness but never really finding true fulfilment?”  Struggling through negativity or unhappiness believing that one day some thing will take it all away?"

Of course there is another way, and it is far more simple than demanding that your physical world bring you fulfilment.  Realise who you truly are, and you will automatically feel inner peace, fulfilment, joy, everything you seem to have been searching for.

Do you ever wonder why you are suffering, why you are not consistently at peace, or why you are unhappy?  Do you want a way out?  Have you noticed yet that most of your suffering arises from your own thoughts and emotions about something, rather than the thing itself??

Finding Authentic Happiness

Real, authentic happiness comes from within.  It is already there, now.  What covers it up are many thoughts and emotions that you identify with, meaning that you are lost in them, lost in the ego.

This website will help you free yourself from this attachment to thought and emotion, and point you towards what you actually are –formless, timeless awareness.  This awareness is one with the present moment and cannot be harmed.  Once you become are of this as who you are, what you used to know as happiness seems shallow and superficial in comparison.

There is no need to look to the past or future for any kind of peace, satisfaction or happiness.  This actually keeps you stuck in your mind and away from where you and your true happiness actually dwell- here and now.  True happiness is an intrinsic part of what you already are, and can quickly be found through present moment awareness.  Finding happiness is a result of going within, not without.

Pages For Finding Happiness

More pages about finding happiness will be added here in the coming weeks...

Quotes For Finding Happiness

Quotes for finding happiness that may help you let go of resistance...

Read more here...

Authentic Happiness

Authentic happiness is different to what most people think happiness is.

Realise where authentic happiness lies - within you.

Read more here...

cover of "Undisturbed: A Guide To Emotional Wellness" by Adam Oakley

About Me

Picture of Adam Oakley

My name is Adam Oakley. I'm 35 years old from the UK. This website is a reflection of what has helped me shift away from a mind that was very turbulent, noisy, and rarely at peace, to a state that is far clearer, at peace and also creative. I hope the website and books help you a great deal. 

One-to-One Guidance

I offer personal inner peace guidance sessions  for anyone who would to find inner peace more easily.

"From the start of the session with Adam, I felt at ease. He is a very genuine and peaceful energy. I think that the session was extremely helpful and I took a lot away from it. Personally I think a session with Adam would be helpful to anyone on a path towards consciousness/realization or even just general personal development." - C.M

Cover of "Get Out Of The Cage: A Guide To Inner Freedom" by Adam Oakley of InnerPeaceNow.com