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Questions And Answers For Inner Peace

Inner peace Q&A art of man meditating.

Responses to questions submitted to this site about inner peace...

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There are also previous questions and answers below.

For more personal guidance, I offer one-to-one sessions.

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Questions And Answers

How To Deal With Negative Family Members

"I've taken some steps against becoming a peaceful and happy being. However, there's the matter of other people and their own negativity, in this case my closest family. They are quite a wonderful, but negative bunch..."


How Can I Come Out Of Anxiety

"Hello Adam,

I am suffering from severe anxiety for the last 23 years. I have been diagnosed with Generalized and social anxiety with mild OCD. And I'm taking medications for the last 2 years. Initially it was like big relief from my problem but now I've almost stopped medications."


How To Be Less Attached To Other People

Hello Adam, thank you for a wonderful website. I have always been a person who gets attached to people easily. I then tend to focus more on them than myself. This has made me a very anxious person. What are your thoughts on attachment and how can I focus on my life more then others. Thanks for your help.


More Q & A pages coming soon.

cover of "Undisturbed: A Guide To Emotional Wellness" by Adam Oakley

About Me

Picture of Adam Oakley

My name is Adam Oakley. I'm 35 years old from the UK. This website is a reflection of what has helped me shift away from a mind that was very turbulent, noisy, and rarely at peace, to a state that is far clearer, at peace and also creative. I hope the website and books help you a great deal. 

One-to-One Guidance

I offer personal inner peace guidance sessions  for anyone who would to find inner peace more easily.

"From the start of the session with Adam, I felt at ease. He is a very genuine and peaceful energy. I think that the session was extremely helpful and I took a lot away from it. Personally I think a session with Adam would be helpful to anyone on a path towards consciousness/realization or even just general personal development." - C.M

Cover of "Get Out Of The Cage: A Guide To Inner Freedom" by Adam Oakley of InnerPeaceNow.com