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Get Out Of The Cage: A Guide To Inner Freedom

Book art for "Get Out Of The Cage: A Guide To Inner Freedom" by Adam Oakley. A person meditating in a forest with the book cover to the left.

Often we can feel trapped in thoughts, trapped in identity, trapped in conditioning. It can seem as if we are trapped in the cage of our own minds. This book points you out of this, to show you that both the cage and the person who feels trapped in it, are not real.

This book also looks at some of the insane ways we have been taught to approach life and to function in the world, and how to be free of these conditioned behaviours.

The content within each chapter is split into passages, each passage being a pointer in itself. You may feel inclined to only read a single passage, and pause to allow time for the words to sink in before moving on.

This book is very useful for contemplative or meditative reading.

Once you understand what is meant by the cage (simply the conditioned, personal mind that creates suffering) – this book becomes a helpful guide in that as well as being able to read it conventionally from cover to cover – you can pick it up and read any passage at random.

Rather than being a book that teaches you anything to remember, it is a tool to point you back towards who you really are before conditioning took over.

May this book help you realise your inherent freedom, and allow you to function sanely, effectively and happily in the world.

Cover of "Get Out Of The Cage: A Guide To Inner Freedom" by Adam Oakley of InnerPeaceNow.com

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"Very highly recommend. I found it to be easily one of the best self help books you will ever read." - Gary Mulligan

"Exceptional! Read any literature by Adam Oakley and gain freedom from the thinking mind – his work simply makes sense. ‘Get Out of the Cage’ is a collection of bite-sized exceptionally insightful passages that allow for, in Adam’s words, ‘meditative reading’. I have read many spiritual texts over the years – Tolle, Chopra – but Adam’s publications are always my ‘go to’ reads whenever I need to come back to my senses and remember the nature of my true self." — T.J

"Great book. Quite simply the best book on spiritual pointers. Couldn’t have asked for better." — Anup Adhikari

Easy to digest, very clear, truthful message and does what it says it does on the front cover, getting you out of the “cage”. Comparable to The Power Of Now and other similar self help, spiritual books. In my opinion it is even more simpler to digest the content in the book than The Power Of Now. This will be a book I’ll be returning to all throughout my life." —Lawrence Gregory

"This is one of those rare books which might be described as essential reading...truly a great book." — Perry Low

"Great book."— Amazon Customer

"Mr. Oakley has a gift. Being able to explain the unexplainable. Combined with a writing style that makes the material, easliy accessible and transcendent."— Matt H.

"Great book"— Elizabeth J.

"This book has helped me free myself from obsessive thoughts. I also feel that it has profoundly changed the way I interact with others, as I no longer feel the need to be defensive and constantly rehearse arguments in my head..."— Amanda

"Wisdom for the ages! This book was directly responsible for a very profound shift in my identity, among other influences. Simple, concise but profoundly powerful."— Yohan

"Excellent read...Definitely a good book helping to achieve to inner peace."— Deepika

Cover of "Get Out Of The Cage: A Guide To Inner Freedom" by Adam Oakley of InnerPeaceNow.com

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Book Preview

Introduction - The Cage Isn't Real

The cage is not real. At a certain point we feel as if we are trapped in the cage of the mind – the cage of identity, the cage of obsessive and compulsive thinking, the cage of concepts and ideas, and at a certain point we become sick of it. We seek another way of living, of being. Rather than feeling as if you must fight Life at every turn, perhaps you feel an urge to become free of the many conditioned ways of thinking we have been brought up with. You feel as if Life should not be such an ordeal of suffering, it should not be such a strain or a burden to simply exist. Excellent. Welcome to the book. It aims to point you towards the truth of yourself, and show you that the many ways we have been trained to live and think are false, dysfunctional, and not worth any more support.

The cage of your own mind, is at the end of the day, imagined. It is made of imagination. The person that seems to become caged within the mind, is also imagined. The mental idea of “I am a person” – the personality – is a construct of the mind, that we believe to be who we are. With this belief comes the feeling that you can get trapped in thinking, trapped in dysfunction or negative patterns. The “you” who gets trapped, is just another thought, a self-image.

Just being open to a book like this means that you are already aware of the cage of conditioning and identity, and also have the feeling that you wish to get out. So enjoy the book, I hope it serves in helping you realise that the real you, what you really are, is always out and cannot be trapped.

How To Use This Book

The content of this book is split into passages, each separated by a tree:

Each passage within a tree stands as a pointer within itself, so this book can be very helpful for meditative reading. You may not feel as if you need to read much at a time. Allow for space, for pauses after each passage. Let the words take you deeper.

Once you understand what is meant by the cage (simply the conditioned, personal mind that creates suffering) – this book becomes a helpful guide in that as well as being able to read it conventionally from cover to cover, you can pick it up and read any passage at random.

Take your time with the words, be in no hurry. They all point in the same direction.

Please be aware that words can only point. The thinking mind may wish to get caught up in words and keep your attention in concepts. Let words point, but there is no need to cling to the pointers. To cling to the pointers means you miss what they are pointing to.

I hope this book serves you well in realising your inherent freedom, allowing you to be happy, at peace and effective in the world.

Adam Oakley


Cover of "Get Out Of The Cage: A Guide To Inner Freedom" by Adam Oakley of InnerPeaceNow.com

Download PDF version - £3.99


cover of "Undisturbed: A Guide To Emotional Wellness" by Adam Oakley

About Me

Picture of Adam Oakley

My name is Adam Oakley. I'm 35 years old from the UK. This website is a reflection of what has helped me shift away from a mind that was very turbulent, noisy, and rarely at peace, to a state that is far clearer, at peace and also creative. I hope the website and books help you a great deal. 

One-to-One Guidance

I offer personal inner peace guidance sessions  for anyone who would to find inner peace more easily.

"From the start of the session with Adam, I felt at ease. He is a very genuine and peaceful energy. I think that the session was extremely helpful and I took a lot away from it. Personally I think a session with Adam would be helpful to anyone on a path towards consciousness/realization or even just general personal development." - C.M

Cover of "Get Out Of The Cage: A Guide To Inner Freedom" by Adam Oakley of InnerPeaceNow.com