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Undisturbed: A Guide To Emotional Wellness

cover of "Undisturbed: A Guide To Emotional Wellness" by Adam Oakley

A book designed to dispel the myths we have about emotions, showing how to treat them in such a way that they no longer become a burden...

We are often faithful to emotions, feeling somehow owned by them, when in fact emotions depend on us. We need not cling to them or take them so seriously. They are energy movements, which would not exist if we were not here to witness them.

This book aims to show that we need not label our emotions in any way. We need not regulate or police ourselves. We can relinquish suppressing something because we believe it is "wrong" to feel a certain way - this is all just conditioning. We can stop distinguishing between good and bad emotions, right or wrong feelings, feelings "I should have" or "should not have", what is "spiritual" or "not spiritual", and instead return to pure experience, which is untarnished by story-telling, resistance or personal attachment.

From here we become aware of the deeper peace available prior to emotional movement, where emotions can not stick, which is also the source of all useful action.

cover of "Undisturbed: A Guide To Emotional Wellness" by Adam Oakley

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"I find Mr. Oakley’s books some of the best in the field."— Matt H.

"One of the best books on emotional intelligence."— Mr C. Stevenson

"I found this to be the most helpful out of many hundreds of self help/spirituality books I have read over many years."— William Duncan

"Thank you so much for writing this book."— A. Ripley

"Treasure. I found this book while searching for something to help me learn more about non-judgment. It is a treasure and has opened my eyes to a new way of being."— Maureen

"Honestly, the advice in this book has helped me deal with anxiety better than anything I’ve ever tried. I feel a new sense of freedom and inner peace."— Amanda

"An easy read. I really enjoyed this book and found it to be so helpful in being aware of emotions without letting them control me."— Eileen Roberts

"Simple, yet incredibly powerful and profound."— Yohan

"Great for healing anxiety and the “voices” inside your head or emotions you are trying to fight off!!! Great read."— Nicole

"I use it as an easily accessible reference book to get me back on track when my brain or anxiety taking over. Lots of wisdom in this book and a source of great support."— Harriet

"The best book I have read on peace. Having read Undisturbed, I must say that it is the epitome of classic books on peace….It is simple yet great. I absolutely love it."— Anup Adhikari

"Helped immensely by this book. This book helps me through the thick and thin of life."— Kindle Customer

"A book that I will return to again and again throughout life. Thanks for an excellent guide on allowing our emotions to just ‘be’ and not taking them so seriously."— Lawrence Gregory

"‘Undisturbed’ is one of many fantastic publications by Adam Oakley. I feel very fortunate to have discovered Adam’s website and books - they continue to have such a positive impact on my life."— T.I

"I find all of Adam Oakley’s writing to be clear, easy to understand and beneficial to grow one’s life experience. I am so pleased that somehow I located his site. I truly believe that where ever anyone is on their path, Adams writings are beneficial."— Fantaski

"I love how Adam categorizes the book, so if your feeling a certain way, you can go back and look at that chapter to help understand the emotion or the thought. It truly is a way to inner peace and just being."— Amazon Customer

cover of "Undisturbed: A Guide To Emotional Wellness" by Adam Oakley

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Book Preview

Introduction - Discarding Conditioning

The aim is not to stop feeling emotions. Let all emotions come. This book aims to show that emotions are not wrong or bad, and need not be clung to or given such great importance. Emotions are fleeting, they are not meant to be held and kept, they are energy movements that come and go. To hold and cling on to emotions is a habit of the human mind, and it ends up creating great inner turmoil.

We can read spiritual or self-help books, listen to different teachers, and often a theme is to be at peace, cool and calm. Then, if we feel an emotion, such as anger or some kind of resistance, we can end up resisting the experience even more, since the mind believes it is "bad" or "should not be happening". Enough conditioning, spiritual or otherwise. Forget what you have learned about emotion. 

If you were to forget what you think you know about emotions, if you were completely empty, had no assumptions that the emotions are who you are, and had no assumption that emotions need to be figured out or resisted, then this book would not be needed. This book aims to help you allow yourself to just be empty – an empty space in which emotion can come and go, rather than a solid-feeling person that sticks to emotions and suffers them. Even all useful spiritual guidance points you to no longer judge emotions. They point you to natural emptiness, natural un-knowingness. In this inner space, negative and futile reactions are no longer sustained, and so can be released naturally.

To be free of something, you give the thing freedom to be. The same can be said for emotions. Give up the fight, withdraw the belief that you should feel different, withdraw "you" altogether so that rather than the experience being personal and "yours", it is just an experience arising, affecting no-one.

Surrender to emotions without reservation. Let them be. Then what is useful remains, what is useless or harmful becomes dissolved. This takes place by itself when you allow inner trouble without resisting it. No longer believe what you have been told about emotions, no longer believe what your mind says about them, and no longer believe what the emotion says about itself. Go back to basics, just be aware of what happens. See that whatever you can perceive, including thoughts, personality and emotions, are all movements that happen by themselves – they are not who you are, nor are they yours to police. You are the awareness itself, which remains undisturbed. In the midst of inner trouble, your nonresistance dissolves it. You can allow yourself to remain untroubled. Nonresistance and nonjudgement are what burn up old pain most quickly and effectively, and set you free, whether emotion is there or not.

So, simply give up the burden of analysis and control. No longer argue with inner disturbances. They all arise in an undisturbed awareness.

cover of "Undisturbed: A Guide To Emotional Wellness" by Adam Oakley

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About Me

Picture of Adam Oakley

My name is Adam Oakley. I'm 35 years old from the UK. This website is a reflection of what has helped me shift away from a mind that was very turbulent, noisy, and rarely at peace, to a state that is far clearer, at peace and also creative. I hope the website and books help you a great deal. 

One-to-One Guidance

I offer personal inner peace guidance sessions  for anyone who would to find inner peace more easily.

"From the start of the session with Adam, I felt at ease. He is a very genuine and peaceful energy. I think that the session was extremely helpful and I took a lot away from it. Personally I think a session with Adam would be helpful to anyone on a path towards consciousness/realization or even just general personal development." - C.M

Cover of "Get Out Of The Cage: A Guide To Inner Freedom" by Adam Oakley of InnerPeaceNow.com